Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Rant On Decaf Coffee

Okay, I know I'm definitely going to upset some people by arguing about this, since it's such an . . . EXTREMELY controversial subject, but . . . 

Coffee Humor | #decaf | From Jamie Durand - Google+
What is the point of decaf coffee??

At this point, if you were hoping to read this blog post for some intellectual stimulation, you may as well click the exit button on this tab right now.

Coffee, as you know, is such a bitter drink. Most people who choose coffee prefer to add a bunch of sugary or fatty stuff to it until it tastes sweet and has a flavor far from what coffee really tastes like. Of course, I do the exact same thing for my caffeinated morning coffee (2-3 tablespoons of half and half), but why would you put so much effort in making something that tastes so, blehhhck, into something that tastes more bearable, if you are not drinking it for the energy boost which caffeine gives you? What could you gain from decaf coffee? Is your intent basically to buy a drink with the Starbucks logo on it so that you can look all cool, like a hipster, or a deep and intellectual college student, or someone of significant importance, without getting jittery?

You remind me of that person at a bar who wants to look cool by having a drink in his or her hand but orders a virgin margarita or a Jake without the whiskey.


Okay, sure, it's fun to get a Pumpkin Spice Latte or a Peppermint Mocha for funzies. So let's just butt out on the coffee drinks that are meant to be . . . drinked . . . drank . . . drunk? . . . for pleasure. But why order that bitter little drink and put two packets of sugar and three tablespoons of half and half in it if you are not drinking it for the energy? Why not order something a little more palatable like orange juice (vitamins and minerals), or a tea (antioxidants), or hot chocolate (the flavor of a hug). What is the point of drinking Decaf Blehhhck?

Decaf coffee reminds me of one of those other completely useless things Americans do without even thinking about it. Like, Pinterest. I’m willing to bet that far less than half the people who spend hours a day on Pinterest actually use Pinterest as inspiration for projects that they actually work on, or actually use the recipes they found and repinned. I only use Pinterest to add some specially filtered pictures for projects like my presentations back in Home Ec. The rest of the time that I spent on Pinterest, was in between taking notes while in class.

Oops! Did I just admit to breaking a classroom rule? Whoopsie!

Oh, come on. We all did it, donchu lie! I think there was only one home ec girl who didn't use Pinterest during class, and to my Home Ec readers I think we all know who I'm talking about. But seriously, we all did it. Don't lie. 

Just a dreamer
When I started using Pinterest I could spend over two hours straight staring at pictures that were full of things that I wish were part of my lifestyle, like 100% organic diets, tailored and fashionable wardrobes, styled dream homes and charming destination vacations. Now when I'm on Pinterest, I'm on there for less than a minute and then I’m completely over it. On to something more useful with my time. 

I think my Pinterest rant was longer than the decaf coffee rant. This may just be my first actual rant in my Rant-A-Long blog. 

I hate my blog title, by the way. I know I haven't actually ranted in my other blog posts. What I really do is talk about random topics that really aren't related to each other. It's easier than having to narrow it all down to “My Foodie Blog” or “My Homemaking Blog” or “My Societal Mishaps Blog.” I like to write about lots of topic, and if you can come up with a better blog title, much appreciate it if you shared. 

Man, I love blogging. I knew that I liked to write, I just never jumped on making it a hobby until about a month ago. I feel kind of guilty for starting a new hobby while I don’t have a job. You know that kind of guilt you get from not being successful in your highest priority? 

But what is my highest priority? Is it finding a job, or working on my last online class to get my degree, or moving out of the house? What do I do? My life isn’t exactly what I dreamed it would be at this moment. I had hoped I would have found a full time job and had been completely finished with school by now because I never was a huge fan of school. I also wanted to live on my own and being busy with making my new home my home. There is so much I want to be doing right now, but it’s not happening. I have no job offers. Online school is a bitch (pardon my french but there’s really no better word to describe it according to my true feelings). I'm still living at home under the same roof as my ogre of a stepfather (I already used one somewhat offensive word, do I need to use another one to describe what kind of a man my step father is. You can guess). My sleeping pattern is thrown way off so I don't fall asleep until two in the morning and I don't get out of bed until after 9 a.m.
Ha Ha, no job, but still have humor!
My days are mostly job hunting on job websites including craigslist, working on my online class, light cleaning of my house, recreational reading, and it all starts with a cup of coffee, with caffeine, because I need to wake up and give myself a boost of energy because I am hoping that something new and/or exciting will happen and I want to be awake, dressed, and ready for when it happens.

And there is my rant about caffeinated coffee. The End.

*Pictures copied and pasted from beloved, useful and at the same time wasteful, Pinterest*

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